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Home > Clinton Street Boatel - Baltimore, MD > Clinton Street Boatel - At a Glance
Clinton Street Boatel - At a Glance
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Clinton Street Boatel | Baltimore, MD | Waterway Guide Featured Marina


General Information


Address: 1800 S Clinton St APT 2, Baltimore, MD 21224 (39.27153, -76.56965)

Body of Water: Patapsco River, just outside Baltimore’s Inner Harbor



Phone Number:  (410)-861-4188

Email: [email protected]

VHF: 16


RM: Matt Giorgi

GM: Ethan Poteat, [email protected]


Hours of Operation: 

  • 9am-4pm Monday through Sunday


Dock Type: Floating/Drystack

Approach Depth: 10’

Dockside Depth: 20’

Number of Dry Stack Racks: 94

Number of Outside Storage: 40+

Largest Vessel Dry Stack: 35’

Largest Vessel Outside: 75’


Transient: No

Liveaboard Allowed: No

Moorings Offered: No

Annual: No

Dock and Dine: No

Parking: Only Street Parking

Fuel: Yes

Pump Out: Yes- Winterized 12/8/2023

Boat ramp: Canton Waterfront Park

Service: No

Haul Out: Yes

Travel Lift: Yes, 75 ton max

Security: N/A

Wi-Fi: no



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